Archive for August 2006

BP Launches Target Neutral

Minale Tattersfield Client

There is much debate surrounding BP’s new initiative to beat global warming. General opinion on green issues seems distinctly polarised, divided on the one side by “Petrol heads” and on the other the “Rainbow warriors”. For us in the middle the arguments are less polarised. Consumer research reveals there is widespread concern about the environment but what are we to do? Since no realistic quick fix solution seems forthcoming, apathy and paralysis result.

Thus BP’s “Target Neutral”, where we are urged to donate £20 to fund CO2 reduction schemes, fills a vacuum for those of us eager not pass the whole environmental problem to the next generation. BP will also add an amount from their own coffers with every Nectar card purchase from their outlets. Having played a lead creative role in BP turning “Green” in 1987, it is gratifying to see the rare occurrence of an ex-client embrace their identity to such an extent it becomes the cornerstone of their corporate philosophy. Alas not all of BP’s ventures are as squeaky clean as the solar-electric canopies of the retail outlets. They could do more; even simply putting doors on the Convenience store refrigerators would save a huge amount of energy and therefore CO2 emissions. Nevertheless within the oil industry BP are well respected and set a commendable example. At least they are moving in the right direction.”

Other clients of ours also wish to respect the environment but have faltered at the cost of installing new environmentally-friendly technology - despite a longer term promise of payback. However there have been successes - with rainwater harvesting at all Reliance retail outlets in India and an ambitious solar project in Africa.

Within Minale Tattersfield’s Energy offer is a Certified Energy Efficiency engineer who is available to advise on projects. He assesses clients’ current energy usage and recommends savings. This drives blue sky thinking at all points to create more informed and future-focused initiatives at each stage. As Davis sums up, “Whilst we applaud any step in the right direction, we all have to recognise that within this industry, there will always be more that can be done. And it’s up to us, as problem-solvers and experts, to work with our clients to find the best solutions for everyone.

© Copyright by Minale Tattersfield Design Strategy

Pace is Face of Q8

Q8 was acquired in October 2004 by Refined Holdings, parent company of Pace Petroleum, and is now being operated by Pace Petroleum. While Q8 branding is remaining in place until the end of current dealer contracts, the retail and distribution operation is gradually being renamed Pace Petroleum Ltd.

According to Pace, they attribute their strong heritage in the UK market to having been developed originally in the 1970s by Victor Gauntlett, the motor industry entrepreneur. The original Pace Petroleum was one of a number of companies purchased by Kuwait Petroleum in 1986 and it then traded under its Q8 name here in the UK. In October 2004, KPGB was purchased by Refined Holdings, bringing the Pace Petroleum name back as a brand presence. Another Q8 divestment was the sale of the Q8 Thailand network to Petronas in 2004.

August 2006 © Minale Tattersfield

The Station WIth No Name

The Battersea prototype for Shell's new design, RVI 2, shows several key adaptations, revealing an updated image for Shell. Most significantly, the Shell name does not now appear on the canopy - the identity relies solely on the symbol. This is clearly driven by two factors - its non-English speaking markets and the fact that the Shell symbol is so well recognised that, arguably, it shouts louder when it speaks for itself.

In this, says David Davis, lead creative behind RVI 1 and Head of Energy Sector at Minale Tattersfield and Partners, it is following a similar philosophy to the BP Helios sun. Oil companies are following the trend in softening their images, playing down global domination and 'big brother' associations and recognising customer and shareholder concerns with the environment and social ethics.

The design complements this approach with a much greater use of white - giving a cleaner, crisper look. But as Davis notes, ˜The white brings out the Shell colours of red and yellow in a fresh and modern way but will suffer from maintenance issues over time. Today's cities have real problems with airborne pollution and keeping the white clean will be a challenge.

The new design also departs from the 'S' shape canopy in favour of a more traditional, back-illuminated acrylic fascia. The RVI1 was recently re-engineered to accept LEDs which are a low energy, low maintenance product, says Davis, so in this respect, it feels like a move backwards that this design relies on flourescent tubes as a light source."

Other cost-saving experiments include non-illuminated spreaders and the Select shop being dropped in favour of a regular Shell shop. Davis believes that dropping the Select brand flies in the face of industry best practice which aims to differentiate the food offer from the fuel offer. It will be interesting to watch its progress.

Shell are also experimenting with a tended serve at certain periods only - a practice which hasn't been seen in the UK for years and which, again, will be monitored with great interest.

© Copyright by Minale Tattersfield Design Strategy