Helios Hits the Streets

The new BP station at Hammersmith (West London) featuring the new image opened in December to much media and industry acclaim. Many revolutionary features of the new site including the latest "Thin Film" solar panels that are applied to the single skin, barrel vault glass canopy. This enables filtered light to be transmitted whilst generating electricity that can be used on site and / or fed back to the grid. The pumps are futuristically styled, all singing (They actually do speak ) multi product units that are a departure from the monolithic    "Monocolumn" designs of old. As such they would offer a saving although
perhaps not enough to overcome the additional expense of the sophisticated canopy.

Although the whole refuelling area is now quite open, light and airy, it does not make the strong colour statement so evident of the previous design. The famous bullnose is retained but in a more reduced format with the new Helios symbol featured "Badge" like on the side. At night green is still the brand colour but unfortunately the beauty and geometry of the Helios is lost when illuminated.

Perhaps most revolutionary is the Convenience store name "Connect" which due to the more neutral branded fuelling area becomes very prominent with the extensive use of green. Contained in-store, is, by forecourt standards at least, an impressive array of convenience offers including the own brand "Zip" café. In a departure from the trend to heavily differentiate the convenience store brand from the fuel offer, Connect acts like an "Umbrella" brand to house various sub brands.

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